Tonight the first team hosted Gorgie Dalry in what might turn out to be a relegation four-pointer.
Two games were over very quickly. A win for Maurice and a draw for Ronnie.
On board one, Mike’s opponent sacced an exchange to open up the h-file for a kingside attack. And, after a lot of complications, he won.
So, three games down. 1.5 points each.
Next to finish was Shahul – who won with the black pieces against the Trompowsky. Then Steve won a pawn in a two rooks and good knight v two rooks and bad bishop ending – and turned that into a full point.
That gave us an unassailable lead. So, when David G lost on time, it didn’t change the result.
The next two matches are away to Corstorphine 1 and Bank of Scotland 2. Both will be tough teams. So getting the two points tonight could really count come the end of the season.
19th November, 2019