Summer Cup Success!

Tuesday night was the Summer Cup final against Wandering Dragons.

The visitors brought their big guns, headed by International Master Mark Orr. And, of their 6 players, 5 were rated over 1800.

This meant we received the maximum handicap – 4.5 points – and only needed a single point to secure the win.

Maurice secured an early draw – which took us half way to our target.

But with Steve and Ronnie losing on the top two boards – and Iain under the cosh on board 3 – our hopes were resting on David Galbraith and Shahul.

David lost a drawn endgame under severe time pressure. But our clock luck improved when Shahul’s opponent’s flag fell.

So, with the handicap, the final score was Musselburgh 6, Dragons 4.5.

The trophy is now doing it’s rounds. So if any club member wants to put it on their mantelpiece for a few weeks, see Alistair.

5th September, 2019